Friday, April 24, 2009

the SPRING is back in our step


= our boys!!!

What happened to our little munchkins???
[Jack is 2 1/2 and Drew is 5]


We were able to spend an afternoon with our friends trying something new this year in preparation for Easter celebration. We dyed eggs naturally, with a variety of vegetables and different onion skins (red onion skins yielded the darkest color). It was so interesting to see the variation and beautiful end result.


Up until a few weeks ago, thinking of doing anything creative literally turned my stomach. I don't know what it was. I couldn't even stay inspired by perusing others blogs or sites because the scrolling motion made me sick. All the creative juices had left me. But with the brightening of the sunshine, I feel it starting to come back. Slowly, but I'm hopeful!


Our first "spring" outing was to the Lake, and though there was not yet much color in the earth, the sky was a beautiful, inviting BLUE. There was much to explore and it was just so nice to be able to roam around without being cold. (ok, can you tell I had a terrible winter. I promise I won't keep complaining about it though!) I started an art journal notebook with the boys to bring along on our journey's to hopefully spur them on to drawing when surrounded by different environments and beautiful nature. It took a little bit of coaxing with all the rocks waiting to be thrown in the lake, but they eventually sat down and drew something. Jack found his first bug of the season and followed it faithfully along the rock. And we built a "woodland home" for the next critter that comes along in need of some shelter.


this kid, I tell ya!


*yours truly*
5 months preggo


Richele said...

Beautiful post, Erin! Here's to enjoying God's riches and all those blessings He's heaped upon you!

LMLogan said...

love all the pics!! and that baby bump is so cute!! :)

Charity Burkett said...

Looking great, momma! I was wondering if we were going to get to see a pic of you while pregnant. Are you feeling any better yet?

Beth said...

are you KIDDING! where is the baby? My belly looks like that right now! :) you're very cute. I'm so happy you're feeling better and energetic again. I know exactly what you mean when you said the scrolling down motion made you sick ( i was like that w kate for 17 weeks!) anyway, good to "see" you and hear you again.

Janelle said...

That was truly cute! Glad to see that things are perking up around there! Also glad to see that you're back! Looking forward to more, at least for a little while anyway! :) Cute tiny bump there!